We love dates. I mean, who doesn’t? These were probably our favorite fruits since childhood! At least for most of us from the Muslim family. And the healthiest too. We are all familiar with the particularly special oddly wrinkled, brown exterior; Dates are satisfyingly chewy and flavorful Now that’s not something new, is it? While we have always reveled in the taste, seldom have we considered the incredible benefits of dates. Which is why Royyan naturals have this for you, Keep reading…. Scientifically called Phoenix dactylifera, According to fossil records, the date palm has existed for as many as 50 million years. Are Dates Good For You? They sure are. There are numerous varieties of the fruit, of which Medjool is the most popular,. Even otherwise, the benefits of each variety are similar, more or less. Some of the wonderful ways dates can benefit us is by decreasing cholesterol, treating constipation, and boosting the energy levels and bone health. How many calories...